Before we can answer your question of how to keep my grass from dying in the summer, we first have to figure out why it is dying in the first place. There are a lot of reasons why your grass could be dead or browning in some spots. Depending on your specific issues, your grass may have a chance to be saved.


Drought in California is an ongoing concern that causes our watering restrictions. Even if your grass does turn brown during the summer, it’s important to keep watering it … while heeding the restrictions, of course.

Grass turns brown when it doesn’t get enough water in a hot and dry environment, but it won’t completely die unless it hasn’t been watered for four to six weeks. Four to six weeks of hot and dry weather with no water takes its toll on the grass, making it nearly impossible for the grass to come back.

Regular continued watering will help keep your grass from dying in the summer. Even if the grass is brown, it should start to come back when the weather cools. This should take about three to four weeks of regular irrigation.


Your lawn should have a deep watering once a week or if the grass is looking wilted. During the summer, avoid shallow waterings because this type of watering will cause weak roots in the grass that won’t be able to handle the heat. You also should not water the lawn if it does not need it.


Mowing your grass too short can cause it to turn brown and dry. During the summer heat, your grass length should be kept at three inches. Two-and-a-half inches is fine for other seasons. Be sure to mow regularly so your grass doesn’t get too long.


why is my grass deadThatch is a thick layer of decomposed plant matter that builds up under the roots of grass. It causes your lawn to get brown spots during the summer. In order to know if you have thatch in your lawn, dig a two-inch deep chunk out of the grass. If your grass has more than a 3/4 inch of spongy thatch between the grass and the beginning of the soil, then it is time to dethatch.


In order to know if your lawn is being affected by pests, pull a patch of lawn out. If it’s invested with pests then it will pull easily. Pests come when the lawn is over watered, over fertilized, or neglected. Keep your lawn healthy, but don’t overdo it.


If you have a dog, it could be the reason why your grass is dying. Dog urine causes brown spots throughout the grass. To fix this and keep your grass from dying in the summer, water your grass thoroughly and try to teach your dog to go in a different place.


Your dying lawn could be as simple as your sprinklers not reaching far enough. It could be that one of your sprinklers is broken, and you haven’t noticed. Or maybe you don’t have enough sprinklers placed for the size of your lawn.

Whatever the reason for your ineffective sprinklers, fixing them is one way to keep your grass from dying in the summer. And Mike’s Evergreen can help. We can help you with your sprinkler repair needs by replacing your sprinkler control box, fixing or replacing any broken sprinkler heads that are leaking, repairing your sprinkler valves, and cleaning or repairing any nozzles that are clogged. We can also repair or replace the broken pipes in your sprinkler system as well as any damaged or spliced wires.

The damage can be caused by environmental wear, product lifespan or faulty installation. A properly maintained sprinkler system can last for many years.

How To Keep My Grass From Dying In The Summer


Depending on the spray pattern that your system is following, you may be wasting water or simply not using it efficiently. We can even cap off the sprinkler heads or adjust the way that your system works. Whether water is wasted due to the spray pattern or the fact that it won’t stop running, we can determine the root of the problem and fix it.

We can make recommendations on how best to upgrade your irrigation system to get optimum water distribution. With a few changes, we can help your lawn and garden to be healthier and your water consumption may even be reduced … saving you money.


Mike’s Evergreen is the right choice to help you keep your grass from dying in the summer because we are the Valley’s premier outdoor living experts. We work hard to understand your goals and provide quality results that will exceed your expectations. We understand that one of your biggest and most important investments is your home or business. Your objectives, lifestyle, personality, as well as the specific needs of your property are carefully considered to reflect a landscape that will provide beauty, function, and value to your home or property. Mike’s Evergreen offers a complete range of landscape services so we can turn your dead grass into full, green grass.


Choose Mike’s Evergreen to help keep your grass from dying in the summer!